Evening Classes for Young People

Sewing evening classes are run for students at secondary school. These are fun projects where, over a period of four weeks we sew a range of items including bean bags, dresses, jeans and ruck sacks. Students book onto whatever project they are interested in making. Everything is provided including support in using an electric sewing machine.
Young People (years 7 & 8)
Wednesdays 5.30pm – 7pm £57 for each half term
Projects are run over 4 consecutive Wednesdays.
Young People (years 9, 10 & 11)
Thursdays 5.30pm – 7pm £57 for each half term
Projects are run over 4 consecutive Thursdays.
To book a space on the Evening Classes for Young People or for more information, please contact me via the web form below or email donnasaville@hotmail.co.uk or via 07713255562