Home Educated Children (years 1 – 5)

These day-time classes are small and friendly and are a great addition to a child’s home education. We have fun making a variety of items ranging from clothing to accessories which can be taken home once completed. Children learn all the stages of creating their project including cutting fabric, pinning, hand stitching and using a manual sewing machine.
All operate from the weSew sewing studio at Lakewood Road, Chandler’s Ford.
11am – 12 noon
£36 for each half term
1st half term: 20th Sept, 27th Sept, 4th Oct, 11th Oct
2nd half term: 15th Nov, 22nd Nov, 29th Nov, 6th Dec
To book a space on the classes for Home Educated Children or for more information, please contact me via the web form below or email donnasaville@hotmail.co.uk or via 07713255562.